Camp Jaycee

Camp Gesher Sports

Do you have an athlete at home? If your grade K-1 child is sports-minded, Gesher Sports introduces campers to a wide variety of traditional sports. From T-ball to flag football, campers have fun learning basic sports rules, fundamental skills, and teamwork. Days are set up in a block time schedule during which campers receive personalized instruction in the morning and rachmanus-centered (good sportsmanship) competition playing time in the afternoon. Each session is complemented with traditional activities such as arts & crafts, music, swimming, weekly field trips, and a late night.

Session 1: Soccer, Basketball, Kickball, Sports Week
Session 2: Basketball, Sports Week, Flag Football, T-Ball

2025 Price (Per Session)
Non-Member: $2,655 | JCC Member: $2,290

Grades K-1 | Two 4-week sessions

Session 1:June 16 – July 11
Session 2:July 14 – Aug 8

4126 Executive Drive
La Jolla, 92037